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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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The School Day

All students are expected to be on the school site by 8.25am.



Arrive at school and students make their way down to their year group zone to socialise with their friends.

8:10 - 8:25am

Whistle is blown and students line up in register order in their tutor groups.


Students are welcomed by a member of staff and any important notices are given. Students are then dismissed in tutor groups and walk in single file lines to their tutor room.


Students follow our tutor programme which consists of assemblies, literacy and character development sessions.

8:30 - 9:00am

Students are dismissed by their tutor and follow our transition expectations by walking quietly, on the left, in single file and purposefully towards their next lesson.


Students attend their period 1 lessons and strive for excellence by working hard on all tasks. Like all lessons the start will contain a “Do Now” tasks that is based on recalling knowledge and this is done in silence. At the start of each lesson students are expected to get their pencil cases out and on their desk.

9:00 - 10:00am

Students are dismissed by their teacher and follow our transition expectations by walking quietly, on the left, in single file and purposefully towards their next lesson.


Students attend their period 2 lessons and strive for excellence by working hard on all tasks.

10:00 - 11:00am

Students are dismissed by their teacher and follow our transition expectations by walking quietly, on the left, in single file and purposefully towards their year group break time zones.


Students use break time to eat snacks, drink water, use the toilet and socialise with their friends.

11:00 - 11:15am

Whistle is blown and students line up in register order in their tutor groups.


Students are addressed by a member of staff. Students are then dismissed in tutor groups and walk in single file lines to their period 3 lesson.


Students attend their period 3 lessons and strive for excellence by working hard on all tasks.


Students are dismissed by their teacher and follow our transition expectations by walking quietly, on the left, in single file and purposefully towards their year group lunchtime zones.


Students use lunchtime to buy and eat food from the canteen, eat their packed lunch, drink water, use the toilet and socialise with their friends.

12:20 - 12:55pm

Whistle is blown and students line up in register order in their tutor groups.


Students are addressed by a member of staff. Students are then dismissed in tutor groups and walk in single file lines to their period 4 lesson.


Students attend their period 4 lessons and strive for excellence by working hard on all tasks.

1:00 - 2:00pm

Students are dismissed by their teacher and follow our transition expectations by walking quietly, on the left, in single file and purposefully towards their next lesson.


Students attend their period 5 lessons and strive for excellence by working hard on all tasks.

2:00 - 3:00pm

Students are dismissed by their teacher and follow our transition expectations by walking quietly, on the left and in single file towards their optional extra-curricular activity or the school exit.
