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Home Learning

It is proven that setting homework has a positive impact on average (+ 5 months), particularly with pupils in secondary schools. (Homework | EEF (educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk))

The learning strategies ‘Retrieval Practice’ and ‘Spacing’ have been scientifically proven in many studies to be far more effective than others at having the highest impact on learning. Therefore, these techniques have been chosen at North Walsham High School to be embedded in lessons and in home learning.

All Retrieval Practice should be done from memory initially, with students then correcting their work from their knowledge organiser, and evaluating their work against this ‘correct’ answer. For maximum effectiveness, we space this practice over time so that it is repeated. An excellent example of a completed NWHS home learning task is below.

Students spend time in their tutor programme learning how to maximise their learning, including understanding how retrieval practice works, to ensure they engage with their home learning effectively. 

Our approach to Home Learning at NWHS:

Year 7

30 minutes reading task per week on an online platform called ‘Reading Plus’ (replacing the English task in the KS3 HL booklet) and can be accessed by students here https://login.readingplus.com/. There is a Reading Log (within the HL booklet) must be signed by parent/carer weekly, once your child completes their Reading Plus task with a score of 70% or higher

Maths: 30 minutes of Sparx Maths per week. Squared paper is provided in the HL booklet for students to use to support their online work.

All other subjects: 4 tasks in total will be set per subject, per term other than Maths and English, and these will be staggered as much as possible across the subjects. Pupils will be provided with a knowledge organiser booklet and a blank home learning booklet for each term and set each task in the home learning booklet by their subject teachers. This will also be set digitally on My Child At School for parents/carers and Student Portal for students to view online.

Guides for these portals can be found here:

Please note - the following subjects will be using online platforms for home learning in place of the KS3 booklets: PE (Everlearner) and Science (Carousel). These online tasks will be set with the same frequency of all other booklet subjects.

Students should carry their knowledge organiser and home learning booklets in the provided plastic wallet to protect them from damage and it should be brought to school every day. The students will receive new knowledge organiser and home learning booklets every term. They should keep all old booklets safe for revision purposes.

Home Learning Booklet Year 7 - Spring 23/24

Year 8 and 9

30 minutes of Sparx Maths per week. Squared paper is provided in the HL booklet for students to use to support their online work.

All other subjects: 4 tasks in total will be set per subject, per term other than Maths and English, and these will be staggered as much as possible across the subjects. Pupils will be provided with a knowledge organiser booklet and a blank home learning booklet for each term and set each task in the home learning booklet by their subject teachers. This will also be set digitally on My Child At School for parents/carers and Student Portal for students to view online.

Guides for these portals can be found here:

Please note - the following subjects will be using online platforms for home learning in place of the KS3 booklets: PE (Everlearner) and Science (Carousel). These online tasks will be set with the same frequency of all other booklet subjects.

Students should carry their knowledge organiser and home learning booklets in the provided plastic wallet to protect them from damage and it should be brought to school every day. The students will receive new knowledge organiser and home learning booklets every term. They should keep all old booklets safe for revision purposes.

Home Learning Booklet Year 8 - Spring 23/24

Home Learning Booklet Year 9 - Spring 23/24

Year 10 and 11

In year 10 and 11, knowledge organiser booklets are provided and each subject area sets individually designed tasks. Students also receive guidance through assemblies, tutor time and the CEAIG and PSHE curriculums on the best ways to revise using their knowledge organisers.

What excellent home learning looks like at NWHS

An example of a completed Retrieval Practice Task:

Why is this example excellent?

  • The student has attempted every section of the task from memory
  • The have used green pen to check their answers for correctness and to address any errors
  • In each box, their answers become more complex/detailed - they get better as the task goes on due to them correcting their work each time


 Autumn KO's 2024-2025