Religious Education
Year 7
Term | Religious Studies Curriculum Overview |
Half term 1 (7 weeks) | Introduction to world religions |
Half term 2 (7.5 weeks) | Introduction to world religions |
Half term 3 (6 weeks) | Christianity |
Half term 4 (5.5 weeks) | Christianity |
Half term 5 (5 weeks) | Buddhism |
Half term 6 (7.5 weeks) | Buddhism |
Year 8
Term | Religious Studies Curriculum Overview |
Half term 1 (7 weeks) | Creation stories |
Half term 2 (7.5 weeks) | Creation stories |
Half term 3 (6 weeks) | Islam |
Half term 4 (5.5 weeks) | Islam |
Half term 5 (5 weeks) | Hinduism |
Half term 6 (7.5 weeks) | Hinduism |
Year 9
Term | Religious Studies Curriculum Overview |
Half term 1 (7 weeks) | Atheism |
Half term 2 (7.5 weeks) | Atheism |
Half term 3 (6 weeks) | Judaism |
Half term 4 (5.5 weeks) | Judaism |
Half term 5 (5 weeks) | Sikhism |
Half term 6 (7.5 weeks) | Sikhism |
Year 10
Term | Religious Studies Curriculum Overview |
Half term 1 (7 weeks) | Christianity beliefs - the nature of God, God as just, the problem of evil and suffering, the oneness of God and the holy trinity, beliefs about creation, the afterlife, resurrection, judgement, heaven and hell, Jesus and incarnation, story of Jesus and the crucifixion, beliefs about Jesus and salvation/atonement, the resurrection, sin Christianity practices - forms of worship, prayer and the Lords prayer, the sacrament, types of baptism, the Eucharist and divine liturgy, pilgrimage, and locations, Christmas, Easter, holy week, the role of the church in the community, food banks, street pastors, church growth - mission and evangelism, persecution in the new testament, the work of open doors and reconciliation, cross of nails community, poverty in LEDCs, Christian response to poverty and charities (cafod, christian aid, tearfund and salvation army) |
Half term 2 (7.5 weeks) | Christianity beliefs - Continued... |
Half term 3 (6 weeks) | Christianity beliefs - Continued... |
Half term 4 (5.5 weeks) | Christianity beliefs - Continued... |
Half term 5 (5 weeks) | Theme A Relationships and families - sexuality, contraception and family planning, religious attitudes to sexual matters, marriage and the family, marriage ceremonies, cohabitation and same sex marriage, parenting and the purpose of families, divorce, remarriage, gender equality, religious teachings about gender equality |
Half term 6 (7.5 weeks) | Theme B - Religion and life - religious truth and the genesis creation story, scientific truth and the Big bang/Charles Darwin evolution, comparing truths, the value of the world and stewardship, abuse of the environment with pollution and global warming, destruction of natural habitats with deforestation and abuse of natural resources, caring for the world and conservation, animals and animal rights, animal experimentation, the use of animals or food, the value of human life with sanctity of life, abortion, euthanasia, the hospice movement, religious attitudes to life and the afterlife |
Year 11
Term | Religious Studies Curriculum Overview |
Half term 1 (7 weeks) | Islam beliefs - types of Islam (Sunni and Shia), the 6 articles of faith in Sunni Islam, the 5 roots of Usul ad-Din in Shia Islam, the nature of Allah (oneness, omnipotent, immanence, transcendence, beneficence, mercy, fairness and justice), authority in Islam, prophet Adam, prophet Ibrahim, the life of prophet Muhammad, Muhammad's sunnah and hadith, the Qur'an (revelation, compilaion, authority and use in shari'ah law), other holy scriptures used in Islam (torah, scrolls of Ibrahim, psalms and gospels), angels including Jibril and Mika'il, akhira - belief in life after death/the end of the world, Al;-Qadr and human freedom, the day of judgement, paradise and hell Islam practices - the 5 pilars of Islam (salah, zakah, hajj, sawm and shahadah), the mosque design and uses, Shi'a Islam (location, 10 obligatory acts, perspective on salah , sawm, zakah and hajj, khums, jihad, Amr bil-Ma'roof and Nahi 'Anil-Munkar, tawalla and tabarra, Festivals (Eid ul-Fitr, Eid ul'Adha and Ashura) |
Half term 2 (7.5 weeks) | Islam beliefs - Continued... |
Half term 3 (6 weeks) | Islam beliefs - Continued... |
Half term 4 (5.5 weeks) | Islam beliefs - Continued... |
Half term 5 (5 weeks) | Theme E- Crime and punishment - religion and rules, types of crime, causes of crime, good and evil, evil and crime, aims of punishment, suffering and religious attitudes, helping sufferers, forgiveness, treatment of criminals (custodial and non custodial sentences), prisons, community service, corporal punishment, death penalty |
Half term 6 (7.5 weeks) | Theme F - Social justice and human rights - social justice, human rights, the UN declaration of human rights, the human rights act, freedom of religion and freedom of religious expression, prejudice and type,s racism, UK law on discrimination, attitudes to wealth and poverty, causes of poverty, exploitation of the poor including people trafficking, responsibility for those in poverty and charities (shelter and salvation army) |