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Enrich Learning Trust celebrates the proud and individual identities of member schools, providing bespoke support and challenge to strive for the best outcomes for all children, developing and nurturing the whole child, creating a purposeful and happy family of schools.

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Attendance and Absence

It is the responsibility of the parent or carer to ensure that their child arrives at school on time and appropriately dressed.

The law states that every child has the right to a full time education and it is the duty of the parent/carer to ensure that this happens.

It is well documented that there is a strong correlation between a student’s attendance and academic achievement. School provides opportunities. Absence robs students of opportunities! Good attendance does matter and students should be encouraged to attend school at all times for the following reasons:

  • To learn
  • To enjoy
  • To be safe and warm
  • To meet and interact with adults (staff) and peers (friends)
  • To prepare for the world of work and lifelong learning

Whole School Attendance Letter

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Is my child too ill for School?

Please click Here, for further guidance based on the NHS website on whether your child is too ill for School.

Reporting Student Absence

In the event of unavoidable absences (through illness or bereavement), parents/carers should contact the school by telephone using 01692 400082 or email absence@nwhs.uk before 8.30am. You’ll need to explain the absence in detail. All absences, whether authorised or unauthorised, automatically become a matter of school record. Furthermore, any student whose attendance is regarded as unsatisfactory will have this mentioned in any references the school is asked to provide.

Persistent Absence (PA)

Persistent absence is a term that was introduced by the DfE (Department for Education) for use by local Authorities to describe children whose attendance falls below 90%, 90% attendance equates to one day off over a two week period. If attendance drops below 90% the Local Authorities Attendance Improvement Officer (AIO) will become involved.


Students are expected to arrive promptly for the beginning of each school day, to registration/assembly and all lessons. All students must be on the school site by 8.25 am.

When your teacher calls the register, you should be seated quietly in your class room. If you arrive after the gates have closed (8.25am), you will be marked as late and you must register at Main Reception. Being punctual is such an important lifetime skill as it prepares students for the workplace. Two of the main questions asked by employers and colleges when looking for references are about attendance and punctuality.

Parents will be contacted if lateness prevails.

We do understand that at times unforeseen circumstances will make students late for school, parents/carers should phone ahead so that the appropriate registration mark can be used. Being late with no reason after the registers close results in a U registration mark being given. This is an unauthorised mark which affects students’ attendance percentage.