Work Experience
What is Work Experience at NWHS?
Work Experience is 1 week out of school to allow students to experience what it is really like to go to work each day. They will be working with adults in a new environment where expectations will be made of them in terms of following instructions and being responsible in the workplace. This in turn will set new challenges and hopefully enable them to prove themselves, so that it is a positive experience for everyone involved.
Who is it for?
All Year 10 students will benefit from a 1-week work experience programme, taking place in July. The school will be working extremely hard to support and encourage all Year 10 students to participate in this unique opportunity to be part of the world of adult employment and find a suitable placement.
When is it?
This year Work Experience starts from Monday 8th July to Friday 12th July.
I am a student what do I need to do?
You need to think about what type of Work Experience you would like to do, it is important to start early. Some students will already know where they wish to go, and in which case you should be approaching potential employers. If you are unsure about your options and where you could go, you will be able to discuss potential placement opportunities with your parent/s or carer, with your tutor or class teachers.
Students must personally contact the companies they wish to work for, either by letter, telephone or in person. More information about contacting employers can be found here.
I am a parent/carer, what do I need to do?
The letter explains all about work experience and what needs to be done. Also, read the 'Parent/Guardian’s Guide to Work Experience Placements for Students' which will explain to you why your child will be participating in Work Experience.
Your child does not have to choose a placement that relates to the job they would like to do when leaving school - it is meant to give an ‘experience’ of work. You can help by encouraging them to select something that they think they will enjoy. Finding a ‘Self Placement’ can be challenging so you could think about possibly going through friends or employers you may know.
What do I do once I have found a work experience placement?
If you have found a placement please take the Self-Placement Form into the prospective employer and ask for it to be completed and return to you as soon as possible. Once the form has been completed by the employer and your parent/carer, please ensure that this is given back to Mrs Lawn, Futures and Aspirations Officer at school.
What do I need to do if the employer wants an interview before the placement?
Guidance can be found here about how to prepare and what to do at interview.
If there any questions, please contact the school on 01692 402581.